#2372 SDS 1: Spieler - Besiegte Gegner

Rang Name Besiegt
1 cookinator 1.293.105
2 *time to say goodbye 1.080.499
3 Samba de Amigo 627.107
4 .Knallhart 560.719
5 xXLeiderGeilXx 536.028
6 EasyDone. 534.573
7 St3ini 531.540
8 -ZX- 480.248
9 SchwestaEwa? 373.552
10 klopperlopper 370.737
11 Etzix 353.425
12 XSolutionfaildX 318.792
13 Mr.Baxter 231.467
14 ribery lell 223.942
15 Ring of distraction 211.213